About this Blog

I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with what seems to be more than my fair share of great people. One of my early CEO teachers, the late Brian Bensley, was my boss in three different companies. I learnt so much from him, in particular a piece of advice as I sat for the first time on a senior management team.

He told us all, “As a senior manager you will have an opinion about everything we do in this business.” Of course the unsaid part was, and for anyone to respect that opinion you had better get to know about every single part of the business outside of your particular specialist silo.

Well, that set me on a path of gathering experience and of continuous learning...and of having an opinion on a whole range of issues. When asked, “Why BLOG?” I explain that I have so much going on in my head that if I don’t vent it, surely my head would explode and that would be very embarrassing.

Perhaps I’m a closet journalist? I did start studying it way back. Or perhaps I just want to encourage thinking about an idea or provide an alternative view to the prevailing convention.

Whichever it is, I am going to talk about what I believe in, I am going to exchange views to broaden my perspective, I am going to tread on some toes and perhaps let some people know they are not alone in their thinking.